EMDR Therapy
in Duluth, Minnesota
Other types of therapy just aren’t working.
Feeling stuck and stressed - is unfortunately your normal. A normal that you don’t remember signing up for.
Talk therapy has helped, but you feel like something is missing…and it feels like it’s just a bandaid for what’s really going on under the surface.
You, or your child, can’t seem to find a state of settling…and feeling safe.
And it’s just a constant cycle of feeling like the tough stuff you’ve been through is weighing on you.
Like you’ve got an overfed Beagle sitting on your chest.
But this weight? It can come off.
With EMDR therapy, you didn’t realize how quick the sessions would give you relief.
It was nerve wracking at first and felt like some sort of “woo-woo” magic, but you started to trust the process and the relief started happening in a way you hadn’t felt before
- and it’s lasting.
All you had to do was show up for your session, be open to learning and trying new things, and boom!
Ok, so obviously it’s A LOT more scientific than this so if you want a little more of the info on EMDR, read below.
The Short And Sweet On EMDR Therapy
Alternating sound, touch, or eye movement for little chunks of time, on and off throughout the session.
Re-think and re-feel tough experiences you’ve been through, while this alternating stimulation is happening.
Deep and lasting healing for your child or you. Finally see the change, the relief, and feeling like your best self.
EMDR Sandtray
In a nutshell, you still get all the benefits of EMDR, AND you get the therapeutic healing powers of sandtray.
This is for any age and helps you deeply heal troubling experiences by using items in sand to create visual landscapes and representations of what you are struggling with.
Your therapist will then talk with you about the landscape in a strategic and therapeutic way to help you finally do some major healing.
Healing can be creative and more than just talking!
A few more things in case you were curious…
EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing created by Francine Shapiro in 1987 and is used for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
However, it can be used for any challenging experience a person goes through. It can also be used for other mental health struggles and to improve your performance and lifestyle.
Works is by stimulating the left and right sides of your brain using bi-lateral stimulation (vibrating objects that you hold, listening to a tone through headphones, or watching an object go back and forth so your eyes move back and forth, or moving your body).
While this is happening, your therapist guides you to re-think and feel about how the traumas or challenging experiences have impacted you.
The amount of sessions before you see relief varies, however, it is often quicker and deeper than traditional talk therapy.
You will start to feel lighter and your negative beliefs about yourself and about the tough things and traumas you have been through, start to change.
The whole idea is that you start to feel less impacted by the traumas and are “desensitized” to them.
So you feel lighter, more free, and more like your best self!
Who can your child work with?
Nicole Harriman
Founder, LICSW RPT-S
EMDRIA Certified in EMDR
Kayla O'Connell