It sucks to even be on this page.
To be looking for help, and to be acknowledging that it feels dark, very dark, right now…
and not what you ever expected to feel.
Before birth, after the birth, the loss, the labor, any and all of it, can feel like a dumpster fire of pain. A dumpster you can’t climb out of.
You didn’t sign up to feel this way. This wasn’t your choice. You are allowed to feel like a hot mess and to struggle. Because this is REALLY HARD.
But it doesn’t have to feel this hard forever and there is a way to feel better.
You’re allowed to get support, to heal, to ugly cry with no judgment.
And what if that person in front of you knows exactly how to help you rebuild, to get back to the old you, the new you…any type of you that you want to be.